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The Pacific opening title sequence

The Art of the Title interviewt de maker van de openingstitels van 'The Pacific':

ATS: Did the time it took to complete this work -the process of unearthing the process- result in the best sequence? SF: I think it gradually got better, but the key components were always there: The portraits, macro photography of charcoal hitting paper, and footage from the series. The bulk of the time was actually spent editing. What was the best moment to draw?, going through all the dailies etc. I did so many drawings (there are more that didn’t make it in than did) I got better over the year. I had to make sure they didn’t get too fussy or detailed. They needed to look a bit unfinished.

Update: Dit artikel is tijdelijk offline, zie de update voor meer informatie.

Freezing the volcano’s lightning

Fotograaf Lucas Jackson maakte voor Reuters een foto van de bliksem in de uitbarstende vulkaan in IJsland die ons allen eindelijk eens herinnerde hoe de lucht eruit zag zonder al die vliegmachines, en verteld hoe hij de foto heeft gemaakt:

I figured I would write up a little about what it took to get the image. As soon as I got this assignment, a photograph of a volcano erupting with lightning inside of the ash plume was on my mind. I had seen one a couple of years ago from a volcano in South America so I knew it happened. When I was watching the ash during the first dusk I saw plenty of lightning so I knew I had a shot at making this picture.