Twee fotolinks van de afgelopen week
sleeping insects covered in early morning dew
Macro-opnames van insecten, volledig (en soms bijna onherkenbaar) bedekt met dauw.
Mr Swietek said: 'I took up photography as a relaxing hobby two and a half years ago and I particularly like taking pictures of insects and lizards. 'I photograph them in their natural environment in the forest next to my village. 'They all are covered in dew because I go to the forest in the morning at around 3am. 'At 3am to 4am insects are sleepy and taking photos of them is easy, but it is very difficult to find them.
Puppet Warp
Een demo van de 'Puppet warp'-tool in Photoshop CS5. Heeft onverwachte toepasbaarheid in het bewerken van bijvoorbeeld panorama's.