Letter to George

in fotografie links

Een fictieve briefwisseling:

First of all, the D700 at $2,450 is far beyond my budget, which I told you is $400, and way too much overkill for a photographer just setting out, and your suggestion that I purchase 35mm ƒ/2 and 85mm ƒ/1.8 lenses is strange. Those lenses don't even zoom?
Met de reactie van de site-eigenaar:
I would like to make amends by suggesting an objectively more characteristic 25-step course of action for you. My experience in this field has demonstrated many times that this sequence is broadly very typical
De 25 stappen in de aankoop van de juiste apparatuur zijn helaas bijzonder herkenbaar. Ik moet toch m'n kast 's opruimen…